Education Untapped
Cognus' Education Untapped podcast provides educationalists and parents/carers with monthly guidance and information to support young people’s learning and wellbeing. All episodes will draw upon current educational and clinical practice and will provide you with useful strategies to use in the classroom and at home. Cognus is an educational services company - please visit our website for more information www.cognus.org.uk. Follow us on Twitter @CognusLimited
Podcasting since 2020 • 17 episodes
Education Untapped
Latest Episodes
Bringing young people together through and beyond sport
Ashlea Stephens (Speech and Language Therapist) and Emma Perridge (Occupational Therapist) interview Dan Levey (England Disability Cricketer and Coach Mentor for The Change Foundation).

Safeguarding on Residential visits
The Cognus Safeguarding team bring their expertise together to discuss what schools need to consider when planning and leading residential visits, and what best practice looks like. Useful CPD for any visit leader - either experienced or leadin...

The journey of becoming a fully qualified Speech and Language Therapist
Tamara Rainsley (Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist) is joined by Jessica Wood (Specialist Speech and Language Therapist) to discuss the journey to becoming a fully qualified speech and language therapist. Discussing all things uni...

Being an Educational Psychologist during a Pandemic
Three Educational Psychologists (EPs), Dr Lisa Carmody, Dr Jo Suchy, and Dr Kate Payne, share their reflections on being an EP during a pandemic. This includes the challenges they faced in their professional and personal lives, the positive cha...

Encouraging Diversity in the World of Disability
Ashlea Stephens (Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Post 16 Lead for Cognus Therapies) interviews Luke Fox, an autistic adult with a language disorder from Sutton. Luke was shortlisted for a Sutton Community Award in the catego...